Download Torrent using Google drive
Download Torrent using Google drive

Google Drive and Google Colab Can be used to download any kind of torrent of any size from internet with maximum speed available.


It'll take maximum 3 minutes

  1. Log-in to your Google account

    At first login to your Google drive/ Google account. If this account has G-Suit enabled it would be great otherwise it’s okey.

  2. Browse Google Colab and Connect

    2. Connet to google colab

    Browse Google Colab in a new tab. And click into connect in upper right Corner

  3. Install transmission-daemon

    3. install transmission-daemon

    In code cell in middle write this instruction and execute it by clicking in triangular icon like play button.
    !apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-daemon

  4. Mount Google Drive with colab

    4. Mount Google Drive with colab

    Mount Google Drive with colab by executing this command.
    from google.colab import drive drive.mount('content/drive')
    And Click on the link they provides and authorize access to your Google Drive, By pasting authorization code in “Enter your authorization code:” and pressing Enter.

  5. Initiate Transmission

    6. Open your transmission Settings

    To start transmission daemon write this command and execute.

  6. Open your transmission Settings

    6. Open your transmission Settings

    To see details of your transmission setting write this command and execute.
    !transmission-daemon --dump-settings

  7. Change default download and incomplete download directory

    7. Change default download and incomplete download directory

    Let’s assume we have a directory in google drive named as Torrent. To choose this as default download and incomplete download directory, write this code and execute.
    !transmission-daemon --download-dir 'content/drive/My Drive/Torrent/'
    !transmission-daemon --incomplete-dir 'content/drive/My Drive/Torrent/'

  8. Open torrent Que

    8. Open torrent Que

    Let’s open torrent Que by executing this instruction.
    !transmission-daemon -l

  9. Add torrent using torrent file

    9. Add torrent using torrent file

    Lets assume we have directory “torrentfile” and it has our torrent file “torrentname.torrent” . To add this in transmission write and execute this instruction.
    !transmission-daemon -a 'content/drive/My Drive/Torrentfile/torrentname.torrent'

  10. Add torrent using magnet link

    9. Add torrent using magnet link

    Copy magnet from any public torrent site and paste inside the quotation and execute.
    !transmission-daemon -a 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:B3A4B68D8DAE88B1540798EFBF17948154384A44&dn=The+Grudge+%282020%29+%5B1080p%5D+%5BWEBRip%5D+%5B5.1%5D+%5BYTS%5D+%5BYIFY%5D&'

  11. See download progress

    10. See download progress

    To check download progress after a pause of time we can use this loop. It’ll check current torrent Que in every two seconds.
    from time import sleep
    from IPython.display import clear_output, display while(True):
    !transmission-daemon -l

  12. Bonus: Remove a torrent from Que

    Bonus: Remove a torrent from Que

    To remove a torrent while downloading in Google Drive execute this command as following index.
    !transmission-remote -t 1 -r

  13. Bonus: Stop torrent client

    Bonus: Stop torrent client

    If your all download is completed stop transmission by executing this command.
    !service transmission-daemon stop

  14. Suggestion

    Suggestion: copy magnet from public tracker

    Don’t download Private tracker torrents in this way. Cause, transmission can’t send proper ratio data. It may lead to ban!

    Download from only public tracker like

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